What Equipment Do I Need? (Yoga in Heston, Hounslow)

What Equipment Do I Need? (Yoga in Heston, Hounslow)

In the beginning you won’t need any equipment. I will provide mats, blocks, yoga straps, weights etc.

Once you’re committed to your yoga practice you should invest in the following equipment appropriate to the classes you are attending (click on link to see item).

These items are given as an example, you don’t have to get exactly what’s below. They are just there to give you an idea of the sort of equipment needed.

Try and find a mat that is thick enough to be comfortable but no so thick you wobble all over the place standing on it! Remember that even if you feel a bit uncomfortable at first, your body will toughen up. The above mat is quite thin but most people are fine with it.
We mostly use these for abduction (pressing outwards) exercises for the legs.
I have these custom made at a cheaper price because I can buy them in quantity. A block with a cover is £25. Please contact me to get your own. These are only available from me as they are custom made for my classes.
If you would like a Sefali’s Yoga T-Shirt or vest, please contact me
Sleeveless 10 – £19 (sports wear)
With Sleeves – £15
These were the cheapest aerobic steppers of reasonable quality I could find. Feel free to shop around.
You can also buy individual sets of dumbbells if you wish. I just find a case full of dumbbells like the one above more practical.
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