Longevity Tag

In pursuing health and longevity, the concept of autophagy has emerged as a key player. Autophagy, derived from Greek words meaning "self-eating," is a natural cellular process where the body removes damaged or dysfunctional components, aiding in cellular rejuvenation and overall well-being. While autophagy is...

As many of you know, I have been following the Longevity Diet for over 5 months now. I am documenting my fat loss journey on YouTube in my Dean's Diet Diary videos. www.youtube.com/c/sefalisyoga In chapter 5 his book "The Longevity Diet", Dr Valter Longo outlines how...

My fasting used to involve going 3 days and 4 nights eating nothing and only drinking tap water. If you want to know how that went click here: My 3 Day water fast After reading Dr Valter Longo's book "The Longevity Diet" I have been following the...