David Goggins Tag

I'm sure all of us have experienced a time of struggle in our lives. We feel tired, stressed and overwhelmed. Our mind screams at us to give up. The obstacles in front of us seem insurmountable. For people like David Goggins who constantly push at their...

Tapasya in Sanskrit literally means "generation of heat and energy." In Yoga we practice Tapasya in order to grow an inner fire to burn away our weaknesses. In order to achieve this the practice of Tapasya requires us to make our minds do something they really do...

  David Goggins is an author and motivational speaker. He competes in triathlons, ultra- marathons and ultra-distance cycling. He is one of only 36 African-Americans who succeeded in becoming a Navy SEAL. But for many his greatest accomplishment is that throughout his life he has faced and overcome obstacles...